January 6, 2012

  • "Atta Boy!"

    #People do and say horrible things out of #selfishness, #pride or just plain #ignorance, things that impact your life in ways that they can't even imagine and maybe not even understand. Just one discouraging word, that's all it takes to alter #success, #self worth, or #trust in other people, or even trust in oneself. Actions may speak louder than words, but some words reverberate through the years, continually leaving a trail of sadness to whom they were said to, even though the one who had spoken it may not have even given it a second thought. That is why it is so important, that no matter what, when given the chance to encourage or discourage... always #encourage - always lift up - always give praise. It could be that one "atta boy" or that one discouraging word that changes someones life forever... and afterall, who wants to be responsible for being the one who didn't give that "atta boy"?

December 6, 2011

  • On Family

    I want to start all over, build my own #life and fill it with all of the things that make me happy and only the #people who lift me up and love me are allowed in. A life without all of the hurt, fear and manipulation. Without the bitterness and the selfishness, and the resentment. I am abandoning my past, and... and I am cutting my ties. If I've learned anything in this life so far it's that blood is not thicker than water, there is no “magical bond” that holds a #family together and forces one to love someone regardless, only the Almighty is strong enough to love someone unconditionally. “Family loyalty”, “Family Ties”, “Blood Bond”.. all of these dramatic phrases are just a fanciful show of pride and egotism and are often empty words and sentiments that hold no true significance, other than to say “Hey, look at me, I am responsible for passing this #dysfunction onto yet another generation. I try to conceal it with a fake smile, prideful boasts and #bullshit.” In the end, when the shit hit's the fan it's the people who care about you that will be there to help and you will be surprised at how many are not “blood”, even then only the ones who truly care will have no ulterior motive, but it's more than likely that you're going to “go it alone, kid.” So buckle up.

    Only you can be the #change you want in your life. YOU CAN break the cycle. Despite the desperate need for “family” society engraves in us at such an early and impressionable age, you CAN choose your family. Every human being has the right to happiness, and if that happiness is away from a blood relative, no matter WHAT the relationship, then that person has every right to pursue that happiness and sever that relationship. Not every apple on a sickly tree is stunted, be the apple that blossoms and plants a new seed of hope. The best revenge is living well. Fuck 'em. 

January 19, 2011

  • The Culinary Misadventures of a New Wife: Part-1

    Growing up a tomboy, it really never occurred to me that all of the cooking my mother did for my father someday I would be doing for my husband. Ignoring all of the standards that society places on young women, I learned how to climb trees, build forts, catch snakes and make entertaining special effects with my mouth. Needless to say, I've never been very apt in the kitchen. I've been with my husband for 3 years, we wed this past August. Before we got married I made a promise to him that to be the best wife I could be, I, a childhood tomboy and lifelong advocate of never being like every other girl, would learn how to cook (DUN DUN DUHHNNNN). Thus is where The Culinary Misadventures of a New Wife begins.

    I have attempted to cook in the past, to no avail. However, recently I undertook the task of preparing a surprise dinner for my husband. Meatloaf, garlic red potatoes and green beans. The dinner had all of the potential to be a misadventure, but it turned out rather well. I would share my meatloaf recipe *whispers* but it's a family secret. I can, however, share with you the recipe for these wonderful garlic red potatoes :)

    Garlic Red Potatoes:


    2 pounds red potatoes quartered
    1/4 cup butter melted
    2 teaspoons minced garlic
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 lemon, juiced
    1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese


    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
    Place potatoes in an 8x8 inch baking dish.
    In a small bowl combine melted butter, garlic, salt and lemon juice; pour over potatoes and stir to coat.
    Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over potatoes.
    Bake, covered, in preheated oven for 30 minutes.
    Uncover and bake an additional 30 minutes, or until golden brown.


September 3, 2010

  • You live, you learn...

    I haven't occupied this body for any significant length of time, but what I've learned so far will serve to be a big help in the years to come. I can only imagine that from here it will grow increasingly challenging. What more could life throw at me? A lot more, I'm sure... and I must say that I'm not at all too happy with the likelihood of discovering the answer to that question. So here I am, thus far I've survived all of my battles and live to fight another day, however, not every battle is worth fighting, surprisingly it really does take a lot of practice to hone that reasoning skill. It's all about playing a poor hand well, know when to hold them and know when to fold them, sometimes even fighting the battles that are worth fighting turn out to be losses. Pity, I've fought a lot of battles with that outcome, even though they were losses it was still the right thing to do anyway. Doing the right thing, that's about the hardest thing you have to do in life. But why not, if you’re gonna do a thing it might as well be right. Sadly, sometimes we do the wrong thing, or we get wronged by someone else's shitty decisions. Stay away from shitty decision makers; they'll get you into a world of hurt.

    I've also learned that friends are a dime a dozen, and real friends are hard to come by. Ain't that the truth? There are too many selfish people in this world with an "every man for themselves" attitude, so if you don't watch your own back then who will? The thing is, you never really can tell who has your back until you need them to watch it. The trick is to be a good judge of character; unfortunately that skill also takes a lot of practice. You have to dig through the muck and grime to find that nugget of gold, you know? No matter how small that nugget is, it's still gold and worth all of the effort of finding it. That's what a real friend is, a nugget of gold in a pile of dirt. Who woulda thunk it, eh? I know, not the most pleasant of analogies, but its suiting. People, regardless of how bad or good, influence our lives; there is something to be learned from everyone. We learn by example, always make sure that the example you are following is the right example, and those who give bad examples, learn what not to do from them. There are many things we could learn if we would simply pay attention to the failures and shortcomings of others; it really would save us the headache of finding out the hard way.

    It’s difficult to grasp when you’re young that every decision you make now may affect your long-term future, be smarter about it than most, it will pay off in the end, no doubt about that. Be careful with your credit cards, they are no joke; you’ll regret using them unwisely. If you don’t know how to react to something, don’t react… think on it and calm down. Always show compassion and sympathy for those who are worthy of it. Respect isn’t earned, it’s mandatory… however, disrespect IS earned. Never go out of your way for someone you know will never go out of their way for you, they are a lost cause. Live with “the love of your life” before you marry them, you may be surprised, and if you are, you’ll be thankful that you found out sooner rather than later. If you get engaged, make it a long engagement, there is always useful knowledge you could gain by doing so. Don’t settle in life or love, wait until you know it feels right… if you don’t you could get into something that will take far more effort to get out of than it was to get in. Always be loyal to your family, however, know who is worthy of your loyalty… blood isn’t always thicker than water; it’s more complicated than that.

    “The hippopotamus of worry hunkers down in the mire of muddy thinking” that’s what my grandmother always said. Don’t worry too much, whatever will be, will be. All you can do is press on and cope with the changing of the seasons, learn to accept the imperfections and embrace and hold onto the good times… it will get you through. When you think you have had enough, run that extra mile anyway, you CAN do it, even if you have to do it by yourself, don’t convince yourself that you are not able, that is the one lie that your enemies hope you’ll accept. Above all, never let your heart grow bitter, always give love, but only give to those you know will respect and be thankful for it. You are not a doormat, and you cannot save everyone… save yourself first. How can others rely on you if YOU need saving?
    Those are my thoughts and only a fraction of the lessons I have learned so far, I am sure that life will grant me more wisdom in time…

    This is Far_Skies... signing off... until next time.

August 9, 2010


    Jay and I have been saving up to try this Indian restaurant that we've been wanting to try, Jeet India. It's a little pricey, but it was well worth it, and it had been so long since we had been out and about.

    Here was our order:


    Main Course for me  

    Jay had

    ... And we washed it down with a bottle of white Riesling wine MmmMmmMmmmmm

    Needless to say there were bountiful leftovers. After the meal I was so stuffed and so content, my body completely relaxed and I let out this loud and healthy burp... no, it wasn't a burp, it was more like a belch :/
    I've never full out belched accidentally before, I am sure everyone heard it and chose to ignore it... but it was pretty hard to miss xD I was so embarrassed... but I laughed it off and continued to drink my wine. :)

    It was definitely worth showing my face there again, even if I become "That belching girl". lol (man, even thinking about it right now is making me face palm. *facepalm*)

May 20, 2010

  • Time Traveler

    The Question:

    • If you could travel through time, where would you go and what would you do?

    If you choose to travel to the PAST, you can bring nothing more than one piece of literature to leave behind. Your time is limited and you can only stay for one full day.

    Of course when I think of where I would go and what would I do, smoking a pipe with Einstein, observing the ancient Egyptians and walking with Jesus Christ all come to mind, but those possibilities are too easy and take too little imagination. Now, I assume that when you say “If you could travel through time” you are implying that I will be traveling forward or backward in OUR timeline here on earth, but let’s consider the broader view of this question.

    There are so many mysteries in this multiverse; so many unanswered questions and undiscovered possibilities! Now, if I am going to be “traveling” through time, I am going to need a destination, first I need to decide which direction I will be traveling. Since we don’t really rate much in the galactic scheme of things (not yet), taking present knowledge into consideration, what exactly would we have to gain by going into the past when the future is so enthralling? I will be traveling into the future. Let’s assume for a moment that I am traveling in a vessel capable of opening and stabilizing a wormhole allowing me to travel vast distances in a very short amount of time, let’s also assume that I know exactly where my destination is. I input my destination into my “intergalactic GPS system” and dial into the right frequency, my vessel propels me into and through this wormhole unharmed, putting me just out of orbit of an inhabited alien planet.

    Let’s say for the sake of imagination that this planet that I have just traveled to is “home base” for these beings that some believe have been visiting, observing and contacting us throughout our history. That’s not to say that these aliens are indigenous to this planet, but this is where they reside. For the sake of my fantasy, let’s say that the planet is inhabited by beings that aren’t hostile and regularly receive “guests”.

    Upon arrival I would be greeted and welcomed; invited to stay and learn for the sake of my race and planet. I would immerse myself in their culture (if possible), learn their language and physics, I would take notes on everything I possibly could. I would translate their texts and inquire the knowledge as to why they have visited us. As I said before, the possibilities are endless and this is only one possibility that I am very fond of.

    “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” – Albert Einstein

    What would you do?

April 25, 2008



    INFJs are intuitive, caring, quiet and peace-loving: deep and complex
    people who may seem equally at home dealing with the personal and
    analytical spheres of life. The interior world of vision and ideas is
    this type's most comfortable domain, but some degree of human
    connection is essential for the INFJ's happiness; a potential conflict
    for this type. Articulate, empathetic and idealistic, INFJs often say
    they just know things, they know them directly, and they may not be
    able to tell you how or why! INFJs seem to be able to feel others'
    feelings vicariously and sense the good and evil in situations: an
    almost psychic ability which may be an asset in many "people
    professions." Spiritual, sensitive and committed, INFJs enjoy being of
    service to others. Once this type's goals are set and the mind is made
    up, no argument based solely on reason and practicality is likely to
    divert the passionate INFJ from a mission or chosen project. Whether
    this characteristic manifests itself as admirable tenacity or
    bull-headed stubbornness may determine the individual INFJ's potential
    for life success.


    INFJs are gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive individuals.
    Artistic and creative, they live in a world of hidden meanings and
    possibilities. Only one percent of the population has an INFJ
    Personality Type, making it the most rare of all the types.

    INFJs place great importance on havings things orderly and systematic
    in their outer world. They put a lot of energy into identifying the
    best system for getting things done, and constantly define and
    re-define the priorities in their lives. On the other hand, INFJs
    operate within themselves on an intuitive basis which is entirely
    spontaneous. They know things intuitively, without being able to
    pinpoint why, and without detailed knowledge of the subject at hand.
    They are usually right, and they usually know it. Consequently, INFJs
    put a tremendous amount of faith into their instincts and intuitions.
    This is something of a conflict between the inner and outer worlds, and
    may result in the INFJ not being as organized as other Judging types
    tend to be. Or we may see some signs of disarray in an otherwise
    orderly tendency, such as a consistently messy desk.

    INFJs have uncanny insight into people and situations. They get
    "feelings" about things and intuitively understand them. As an extreme
    example, some INFJs report experiences of a psychic nature, such as
    getting strong feelings about there being a problem with a loved one,
    and discovering later that they were in a car accident. This is the
    sort of thing that other types may scorn and scoff at, and the INFJ
    themself does not really understand their intuition at a level which
    can be verbalized. Consequently, most INFJs are protective of their
    inner selves, sharing only what they choose to share when they choose
    to share it. They are deep, complex individuals, who are quite private
    and typically difficult to understand. INFJs hold back part of
    themselves, and can be secretive.

    But the INFJ is as genuinely warm as they are complex. INFJs hold a
    special place in the heart of people who they are close to, who are
    able to see their special gifts and depth of caring. INFJs are
    concerned for people's feelings, and try to be gentle to avoid hurting
    anyone. They are very sensitive to conflict, and cannot tolerate it
    very well. Situations which are charged with conflict may drive the
    normally peaceful INFJ into a state of agitation or charged anger. They
    may tend to internalize conflict into their bodies, and experience
    health problems when under a lot of stress.

    Because the INFJ has such strong intuitive capabilities, they trust
    their own instincts above all else. This may result in an INFJ
    stubborness and tendency to ignore other people's opinions. They
    believe that they're right. On the other hand, INFJ is a perfectionist
    who doubts that they are living up to their full potential. INFJs are
    rarely at complete peace with themselves - there's always something
    else they should be doing to improve themselves and the world around
    them. They believe in constant growth, and don't often take time to
    revel in their accomplishments. They have strong value systems, and
    need to live their lives in accordance with what they feel is right. In
    deference to the Feeling aspect of their personalities, INFJs are in
    some ways gentle and easy going. Conversely, they have very high
    expectations of themselves, and frequently of their families. They
    don't believe in compromising their ideals.

    INFJ is a natural nurturer; patient, devoted and protective. They make
    loving parents and usually have strong bonds with their offspring. They
    have high expectations of their children, and push them to be the best
    that they can be. This can sometimes manifest itself in the INFJ being
    hard-nosed and stubborn. But generally, children of an INFJ get devoted
    and sincere parental guidance, combined with deep caring.

    In the workplace, the INFJ usually shows up in areas where they can be
    creative and somewhat independent. They have a natural affinity for
    art, and many excel in the sciences, where they make use of their
    intuition. INFJs can also be found in service-oriented professions.
    They are not good at dealing with minutia or very detailed tasks. The
    INFJ will either avoid such things, or else go to the other extreme and
    become enveloped in the details to the extent that they can no longer
    see the big picture. An INFJ who has gone the route of becoming
    meticulous about details may be highly critical of other individuals
    who are not.

    The INFJ individual is gifted in ways that other types are not. Life is
    not necessarily easy for the INFJ, but they are capable of great depth
    of feeling and personal achievement.


    Beneath the quiet exterior, INFJs hold deep
    convictions about the weightier matters of life. Those who are
    activists -- INFJs gravitate toward such a role -- are there for the
    cause, not for personal glory or political power.

    INFJs are champions of the oppressed and downtrodden. They often are
    found in the wake of an emergency, rescuing those who are in acute
    distress. INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who
    victimize the defenseless. The concept of 'poetic justice' is appealing
    to the INFJ.

    "There's something rotten in Denmark." Accurately suspicious about
    others' motives, INFJs are not easily led. These are the people that
    you can rarely fool any of the time. Though affable and sympathetic to
    most, INFJs are selective about their friends. Such a friendship is a
    symbiotic bond that transcends mere words.

    INFJs have a knack for fluency in language and facility in
    communication. In addition, nonverbal sensitivity enables the INFJ to
    know and be known by others intimately.

    Writing, counseling, public service and even politics are areas where INFJs frequently find their niche.

    INFJ Career Matches:

    Actor, Alternative Medicine, Artist, Child Care Worker, Child Development, Chiropractor, Church Worker, Clergy, Computer Programmer, Computer Specialist, Consultant, Dentist, Designer, Doctor, Educational, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Human Resources, Lawyer/Attorney, Librarian, Marketer, Missionary, Musician, Photographer, Psychiatrist, Psychologist/Counselor, Sales Representative, Scientist, Social Worker, Systems Analyst, Teacher/Professor, Trainer, Writer.

    Famous INFJ's:

    Nathan, prophet of Israel
    Robert Burns, Scottish poet
    U.S. Presidents:
    Martin Van Buren
    James Earl "Jimmy" Carter
    Nathaniel Hawthorne
    Fanny Crosby
    Mother Teresa
    Fred McMurray
    Shirley Temple
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    James Reston, reporter
    Shirley McClain
    Michael Landon
    Tom Selleck
    Oprah Winfrey
    Paul Stookey (PP&M)
    Angela Lansbury
    U. S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun
    Carrie Fisher
    Calista Flockhart
    Alice Cooper
    Gates McFadden
    Mischa Barton
    Joe Pantoliano
    Neve Campbell
    Ralph Fiennes
    Talisa Soto
    Jamie Foxx
    John Katz
    Mel Gibson
    Richard Gere
    Adam Sandler
    Anthony Kiedis
    Garry Trudeau

    Fictional INFJ's:

    Tinman - The Wizard of Oz
    Luke Skywalker - Star Wars
    Albus Dumbledore- Harry Potter
    Amelie Poulain - Amelie
    Dr. Yuri Zhivago - Doctor Zhivago
    Joe Hackett - Wings

April 20, 2008

  • Team Fortress 2

    So Jay and I play this game called Team Fortress 2 (TF2) I have become utterly addicted to it... it took me a while to find my calling... but man, I make a good Engineer.


    .... I even ordered a T-Shirt =)

    When Jay plays he is usually the Soldier:

    Here are a couple other game trailers that I just find funny

April 16, 2008

April 10, 2008

  • What a sh!tty morning

    So this morning I was roused out of bed by a smell that can only be described as ginormously abso-flippin-lutely smelly in the must horrendously horrendous way. I was laying in bed alone and Jay was upstairs taking a shower. When he got out of the shower I made my displeasure of the smell known.

    "It smells down here."

    "Yeah it does, the septic tank must be backing up... I'll let my brother know."

    He got something out of the dryer and walked right past the where the horrendous smell was coming from. For the past couple weeks we had (on occasion) smelled something resembling poo or possibly death, but thought nothing of it. This house has a septic tank and we thought it was just a normal septic tank smell. What makes all of this worse is that we live in the basement of this house... right where natures little horrors can find us... I shiver just thinking about it. *throws up in mouth a little* So Jay leaves for work and the smell starts getting a little worse, at 7:30am all I want to do is just sleep or a little longer... but I needed to go investigate, just for peace of mind. So I get up and follow the smell.

    Jay must have been pretty preoccupied with thought to have missed the astonishingly horrible mess I found. *picks up phone and speed dials Jay*

    "it doesn't just smell like it's backing up... it DID back up."

    "Oh know, that's not good."

    "No, it's not good at all, there is sh!t everywhere."


    OMG, indeed. So I am looking at this mess wondering how awful it is going to be to clean up... *shivers*... believe it or nor it was manageable, very unpleasant... but manageable.

    I shall have nightmares for months after this... and I shall never go barefoot in the basement again.

    What is the most disgusting mess you have ever had to clean up?