Month: August 2013

  • Music to my Ears!

    So a few months back my favorite online playlist site ( switched from a playlist format, to a customizable online radio stream (like Pandora) that only offered 3 song skips per hour. I know, right? You’re thinking what I’m thinking, they may as well have forcefully ripped off my ears and stapled them onto the scrotum of a tone deaf Sasquatch, because that would have been equally as unsatisfying, however, mildly more entertaining. I was so mad, what was I supposed to do now up here alone in my space station, doodle with my toes, make animals out of bubble gum, write complaint letters to amuse myself?? So that’s exactly what I did… I sent them a letter that simply read “you suck bigfoot dick”, and left it at that, it embodied everything I wanted to say without sounding like a crazy ex-girlfriend dumped on prom night, when in all actuality, what I really wanted to do was key “WHORE” into the side of their brand new sports car and cook up their pet rabbit in a pot of boiling water. Ah well, what can you do? (“you suck bigfoot dick”)…

    After meandering my way through YouTube, I became enraged with bloodlust totally needed to find a different music outlet, which led me to the almighty Google search engine, why hadn’t I done this before!? My rage had blinded me. I came across a site called, which not only offered a playlist, but included videos… ironically through YouTube – which I was initially trying to avoid – but whatever… IT’S AWESOME O.O just about as awesome as a seven story tall crustacean from the paleolithic era… or a contagious genetically modified monkey infected with awesome.


    Question of the Day:
    What kind of music do YOU like to listen to when you’ve had a long day?

    Quote of the Day:
    “And the night shall be filled with music,
    And the cares that infest the day
    Shall fold their tents like the Arabs
    And as silently steal away.”
    - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (The Day Is Done)

    This is Far_Skies… signing off… until next time…

  • Apocalyptic World Domination (I’m BaaAaack!!)

    It took the Xanga Apocalypse to bring me back, you all know how much I love the mention of an apocalypse! I thought, “hmmm, this may be my chance at world domination, at long last!”, I had been struggling bringing this inevitable reality to fruition, you can read the saga below: 
    It has Begun! 
    Pussycat, Pussycat… 
    Project Kitty Litter 

    Now that I have returned, I see that the Xanga Apocalypse may have already happened some time ago! I was sad that I had missed out in the brutality, and I was also sad when I went through my subscriptions and saw, not blogs, but goodbyes, and some that had just simply vanished, I was disheartened, how am I to rule the world without minions to carry out my unmentionable dirty work? However, hope prevailed, my faithful servant, Aloysius_son, had been keeping my throne warm for me. I was also pleased that I saw no sign of the evil feline usurper, Bishop, who once attempted to sabotage my undeniably genius plan of enslaving the world under my supreme rule. Without him in the works, my plans should go about a little more smoothly, and without hairballs, what more could a supreme ruler ask for? Not much, I have to say. 

    Now that I am back, it feels as if I am starting over, starting from scratch… challenge accepted

    It will be a task to lure new and willing minds in, but with my new Llama Army, it shouldn’t be too hard. Oh yes, that’s right, you didn’t know, I traded in my rabid, highly trained kangaroos for genetically modified llamas skilled in the art of war and savagery! Their holy llama spit will quench my thirst for vengeance!

    This is Far_Skies… Signing off… until next time. 

  • Reincarnation, Christianity, and the “What If’s”

    My husband and I watched a T.V show last night called “The Ghost Inside my Child”, it was about children who have memories of past lives. Now, I find this very interesting. I was raised Christian by my grandmother and was taught that when you die, your soul goes to heaven, and it stays there, asleep in Jesus Christ. I used to question this as a little girl, how could that be if people see ghosts and if people remember these things about past lives, things that they couldn’t have known, confirmable things, like their names, their children’s names, what they did for work, and how they died. Her answer was always “Demons, because even the devil knows that past.”, but I just can’t accept that as an answer anymore, for a number of reasons.

    Firstly, I believe that the bible, as we know it, has been manipulated by man, not that is doesn’t still hold truth, but that is has been modified by man to suit the kind of life and culture that they were promoting at the time, I do not believe that my bible is the same bible that was originally written or intended, and there is vast evidence of this throughout history, which begs the question, what is truth and what is not? What is it that we may not know, how can we be certain if we do not question and seek to find truth. Secondly, If we are all asleep in the Lord until his second coming, then how can our loved ones communicate with us from beyond the grave? There is overwhelming evidence of this as well through audio and video recordings, and I have experienced this myself as a medium, some very profound experiences. Thirdly, demonic possession does not fully explain what these children are experiencing, when someone is possessed, they exhibit a lot of other symptoms than those being described by these families, poltergeist activity, negative/violent thoughts, demonic nightmares, depression, voices/whispers/growls and many other things. While I believe in demonic possession, I do not believe that this accounts for what these people are experiencing and the memories that they have.

    Which brings me to my experiences. I feel that I may have been a man in a past life. When I was a little girl, I identified more with being a little boy, my mother used to dress me in a lot of very feminine clothing, with lace and frills, but I didn’t feel that was right, I wanted to dress like the boys did, and up until I was 14 years old I did exactly that. Growing up I had no interest in playing with the other girls on my block, I ran with the boys, I didn’t want to play house, I wanted to play Cowboys & Indians, but I was never the damsel in distress, I was the cowboy. I loved my G.I. Joe’s, my Hotwheel cars and playing in the mud, I loved everything about being a little boy and it felt familiar to me. Even when thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up, looking at these men in authority, astronauts, actors, soldiers, I always thought, I want to grow up to be just like that, a successful man, big, handsome and strong. It wasn’t until I hit puberty and started having feelings for the opposite sex that I began to embrace who I was in the now, started do dress like a girl, act like a girl, wear makeup, but still I had those feelings, as if I was a man, or once was. Even in my dreams I am a man, always have been for as long as I can remember. I want to be clear and state that I am not transgender, I do not wish to be a man and quite like being a woman and LOVE men, I do not feel I am in the wrong body, it’s just that being a man is something that I find quite familiar, it’s like I can shut my eyes and recall what having a penis felt like, every sensation; what being a man felt like. I believe that I once was a man, in my recent past life. It’s like a memory is there, but just beyond my reach.

    All of this also makes me wonder if some of those people who do consider themselves transgender are really just stuck in their past, maybe they were once women/men, and now they are confused and holding on to what is familiar to them.

    There is a lot in this world that we have yet to understand, there is a lot yet to be discovered, and I find it all quite interesting.

    Watch 2 full episodes of The Ghost Inside my Child (I personally found the second one quite profound):
    Disaster Deaths
    A Soldier and a Screenwriter

    What are your thoughts regarding this subject?